Design – Pointillism

Pointillism, is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of pure colorare applied in patterns to form an image. In another way, people normally called it Dot Art.

Seriously I cannot imagine myself to sit in front of a table to complete a painting by numerous of dots. It really need huge patience and concentration. It may sounds easy to combining dots in painting, but what it your dots are well planned and contained of different shapes and shadow. Well, there will be another story, hehe..

Here are some portrait painting that created by dots.


Pretty awesome, right?

My girlfriend, Stella is a also a big fans of dot art. Here is one of the panting she drew for her blog header.


You can check out her blog – , for more her latest design.

It was pretty surprised that she able to draw something like that.  Cause, I know that I will never have such huge patient dots art like that, I cannot even sing in one place quaintly for an hour, hehe.. Unless I am watching movie or editing video..

However, also check out the Toast Bag from WHITE TOAST, is a series of Tote Bag with Dot Art design. It was all designed by Stella.


It will never be easy to start business like this, especially Stella insist to keep her design particularly. Please support yeah !

Work – White Toast & Vogue Generation

2012 is officially my firstworking year after graduation and it already come to June now. All the promises I had given to myself in the beginning of the year, I believe I am not even completed half of my TO-DO-LIST.

I believe everyone have their TO-DO-LIST in every year, but it is another matter for achieving your promises until more coming out in the following year.

Fortunately, even though I may cannot finish my TO-DO-LIST, I still able to explore may unexpected challenges and opportunities this year. I can say that my schedule already almost full in the next half year. Except of my full time job, I still have many plans for some video jobs, travel and short film production. It’s glad to have my schedule full but hope I can share more of my time with family in hometown.

Last weekend I was basically busy with helping Stella to setting up her booth.

For those who haven’t check out Stella’s business, you can get in to White Toast and Vogue Generation for more detail.

We went to the KFC Snax Fest on SATURDAY. It was an event organized by KFC and Stella was invited to join the event.


Stella setting up her booth for White Toast & Vogue Generation Product. With Quin in the frame, hehe…Image

 We are given vouchers for FREE LUNCH & DINNER !! Awesome, KFC ROCK !!


On Sunday, we went to Shaw Parade ( Just right behind Times Square). We joined the Kaka Art Market, which was also their 2nd year Anniversary.

Image Stella is also releasing her new product on Kaka Art Market. Here is the new design for White Toast new product, Toast Bag.


Hopefully the new designs will be released soon. Just LIKE the WHITE TOAST Facebook Page. Also LIKE the VOGUE GENERATION for coming new products.

Hence, this is what I am busy for last weekend. For the next few weekends, I will be busy with some video projects and hope some video will be releasing soon !!

My Work – Animation and Behind The Scene Video

Animation – Dunia Eicak

What I actually working now? I had worked with wedding video shooting, TV program editing and also motion graphic. Start from February 2012, I joined a new local Animated series, called Dunia Eicak. This animation is very interesting, and I joined the production team because that I think I can learn and develop my skills on After Effects, which is a software to do motion graphic and visual effects.


Main Character, Eicak and Chip.

This is a new and creative animation called Dunia Eicak, about a boy who finds a whole new world and new friends where he helps them to solve their problems as well as learn new things from them.

Some other Still Images from from the animation:

I work as a compositor for this animation, which mean I do the motion graphic and visual effects for this animation. As you can see from the trailer link below, I am actually doing some color correction, motion graphic design and effects for the animation. Here you can check out the Episodes 01 Trailer.

If you find it interesting, you can also get into their Dunia Eicak Facebook Page for more information.

Here you can check out some random sketches from my colleges, Logan Soon, who has an magic hand to draw vivid and dramatic drawing.



However, I am happy to join this animation production as I had learned a lot from doing the After Effects, visual effects for Video making. I believe it will help me for my future video production.

I am hoping to film more short films and video, therefore, I believe that I will be able to apply my skills on video shooting and editing in the future.

Just hoping that my family and friends will support me !! Hehe !!


Behind the Scene of Music Video, “Don’t Need You”

Other than working on this animated series, definitely, I am also shooting some random video.

At April, I joined a Music Video production, to help my friend’s friend’s band to shoot their very 1st Behind The Scene Video.

This local band called Inverted Coma (Check out their Facebbok Page here). I was really impressed with their songs and passion with making the music.

You can check out the Behind the Scene that I filmed and edited for the music video here – The Making Of “Don’t Need You” by Inverted Coma

Definitely you also need to watch the final music video – “Don’t Need You” Official Music Video directed from Nigel Sia / Visual Storytelling.

I believe this song really voice out the Malaysians Thought for our government, especially what had happened after Bersih 3.0

Anyway, this is what I working for the last few months ! I will be updated soon for some current and coming Video Production !!


最近, 刚刚呈交我的另一部短片参加另一个本地的比赛.  那算是本地最为重要的一个比赛,是由BMW主办的. 一开始我就有想到,一个类似回忆,在乡村的画面. 所以,我就找来了我的小弟和芳弟的小朋友,帮我拍了小小的一段回忆,是我短片的前半部. 下面是一些我短片的画面. 就是这几个画面, 那种长长得小巷给我一种很棒的刺激感.哈哈

拍完了之后, 在我剪接的时候,我特别喜欢这个小时候的feel, 而且介于背景是有一点Kampung的感觉. 这一切让启发了我, 写另一个关于小时候回忆, 在马来kampung的故事.

刚好同时, 我正在写我的毕业短片的剧本, 我写的是一个关于人生的故事. 由于我一直很纠结在关于人生定义的部分上, 我发觉我的故事好像越来越倾向于小说而多过于剧本. 然后, 这个小小kampung的点子很不小心的给了我另一个想法. 于是, 我把我的故事的背景, 搬到马来kampung.

我在想, 很多的场景我都回在BATU PAHAT拍摄, 可能是在 Semerak 那里的村子, 还有一个很美的稻田, 不懂大家经过Semerak时有没有注意看到.  还有一些可能会在BUKIT PASIR 里面的村子拍, 尤其是我阿嬷家附近.

除了马来Kampung, 我想到了另外一个以前小孩的玩意儿, 不知道你们是否有玩过.

没错, 就是豹虎. 就是所谓的打架蜘蛛. 豹虎会是我最重要的一个道具, 一个汇合起童年与现实的回忆.

从以前就一直在想, 人生的意义究竟是什么? 是拥有金钱财富忙碌一生, 还是安逸于现状过平淡的幸福. 这是我的短片很想探讨的东西. 这是一个关于找回失去的梦想与回忆的故事. 我们最真挚最原始的愿望与感情, 只有在我们童年时最为明显, 因为那时的我们还没有被这个现实折衷而显得那么的无力. 这是一个关于童年, 豹虎, 梦想和人生的故事.


晕黄的光圈照映在我的镜框上, 折射出类似彩虹般的微弱光环. 就算是我的生活,也没有这一束光线那么的耀眼灿烂.如果要把我的生活付诸于自然的一环, 也只是一滩死水,毫无生机与律动. 我开始把玩起自己的眼镜, 觅着光线抬头看见了路灯的光环,寻找光圈的来源. 黄色的光线一闪一闪的, 开始在我的视线上发生作用, 一条条的光线在我眼前摇晃, 一切变得那么的模糊.

我看着眼前的少年, 仿佛看见当初的自己, 还以为自己对社会的结构有多么的重要, 以为社会的轨迹是平行, 直线且毫无意外的拐弯. 殊不知不是社会成就我们的生活, 而是我们不知觉建立起自己的固定模式, 经过不断的妥协和迁就所形成的恶性循环.

他摊开双手, 是豹虎. 我们, 童年唯一共同的回忆. 眼泪开始占据我的视线, 朦胧中, 我看见豹虎用它的锐利的前脚狠狠的穿过我的胸膛, 我开始窜逃,拼命的跑.而它不断的追击, 就像是我的自以为是的宿命, 每个攻击与危险, 我窜逃.